The government has extended lockdown measures for 15 more days after learning that the imported cases of Covid-19 has increased significantly from last month with local transmissions detected in Vientiane and several provinces.
The government has urged relevant authorities to increase Covid-19 vaccination, build more quarantine and treatment facilities especially in the provinces with a large number of workers returning from neighbouring countries.
Bars, karaoke cafes, entertainment venues, cinemas, snooker shops, spas, internet cafés and games shops will remain closed over the next two weeks – Aug 19-Sep 2, 2021.
Contact sports including football, boxing are banned in provinces and areas with community infections. Travel to and from red zone areas is prohibited except with permission from relevant authorities. Festive gatherings and celebrations are banned.
Relaxed measures
Shopping centres, wholesale and retail shops, supermarkets, minimarts, fresh markets, food markets, night markets can be opened as long as Covid-19 prevention and control measures are observed. Barbour shops and beauty parlours in non red zones are allowed to be opened as long as Covid-19 prevention and control measures are respected. Restaurants, cafes, tourist sites and food gardens in provinces without local transmissions can open only if seaters are placed one metre apart and sales of alcoholic drink is not allowed.
Meeting outside red zone areas is allowed only if anti Covid-19 measures are observed. Meeting outside the province can be allowed with prior notification sent to the Taskforce Committee in the host province. Passenger transport through land, water and air means, between provinces without local transmissions is allowed and no quarantine is required.
Foreigners who have entered the country and wish to travel to other provinces are required to show passports, quarantine certificates, and permission from the central Taskforce Committee to relevant authorities and are not required to be quarantine in the destination province. Foreigners who are working and have resided in Laos for a period of time are subject to the same requirements as Lao nationals.
Teaching and learning for pre-school education, general education, vocational education, college and higher diploma education in areas without local transmissions can be conducted only if with permission from the Provincial Taskforce Committee.
As for Vientiane, vocational education, pedagogical education, and associate degree education are allowed as long as Covid-19 measures are observed.
Massage shops in Vientiane and provinces without local transmissions can open only if both service providers and customers are fully vaccinated and anti-Covid-19 measures are observed and the shops are closed by 20.00 hours.
Source: Lao News Agency