Joining forces against El Niño: Lao Government, FAO discuss readiness to tackle potential drought

El Niño is making a return. Since early July 2023, El Niño conditions have emerged in the tropical Pacific for the first time in seven years, signalling a heightened risk of elevated global temperatures and disruptive weather and climate patterns. Projections indicate a 90% likelihood that the El Niño event will persist throughout the latter half of 2023, with expectations of at least moderate strength El Niño is making a return. Since early July 2023, El Niño conditions have emerged in the tropical Pacific for the first time in seven years, signalling a heightened risk of elevated global temperatures and disruptive weather and climate patterns. Projections indicate a 90% likelihood that the El Niño event will persist throughout the latter half of 2023, with expectations of at least moderate strength.

For the Lao PDR, this raises concerns, as historical data has shown a strong association between El Niño and drought in the country. The impact can be substantial, damaging agriculture production, particularly the cultivation of staple crops, affecting food security, nutrition, and the livelihoods of rural communities. These events are exacerbated by the ongoing effects of climate change, which intensify their frequency and severity.

As the specter of El Niño looms over the Lao PDR, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MoLSW), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) organized a national consultation workshop focused on drought forecasting and monitoring. This event brings together relevant partners and stakeholders, providing a platform for all to collectively address the looming El Niño threat and seek innovative solutions to manage it more effectively than in past occurrences.

Among these solutions is the concept of Anticipatory Action that enables better preparedness and acting earlier, based on improved forecast and early warning, pre-defined financing and standard operational procedures to reduce the impacts of El Niño and other climate-related disasters and bolster the country’s resilience.

Held at the Landmark Mekong Riverside Hotel, Vientiane last week the event was chaired by Mr. Kindavong Luangrath, Deputy Director General of the Department of Social Welfare, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and co-chaired by Ms. Hang Thi Thanh Pham, FAO Representative ad interim in the Lao PDR.

Mr. Kindavong Luangrath emphasized the timeliness of the workshop, stating “We have the latest El Niño forecast and its implications for Lao PDR. This workshop provides us with an opportunity to review existing guidelines, systems, and identify gaps to create an enabling environment for early action and minimizing potential impacts.” He also stressed the importance of research and scientific basis for reliable forecast and early warning. He highlighted the necessity of drought monitoring and early warning to minimize potential drought risks heightened by the looming El Niño and to enhance preparedness.

Ms. Hang Thi Thanh Pham, FAO Representative ad interim for the Lao PDR, commended the Government of Lao PDR and key driving ministries – MoLSW, MoNRE, and MAF – for their strong collaboration and commitment to reducing drought risks in the changing climate, employing the Anticipatory Action approach. She pointed out that this consultation workshop provides a platform for sharing innovations developed in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) region, including the use of the Combined Drought Index and the trigger system of Anticipatory Actions in the context of El Niño.

This workshop also plays a pivotal role in shaping a Policy Brief with recommendations to proactively address potential risks associated with El Niño-induced droughts in ASEAN. These recommendations will not only bolster Lao PDR’s efforts but also contribute to regional initiatives led by ASEAN, such as the ASEAN Framework on Anticipatory Action in Disaster Management and the ASEAN Regional Plan of Action for Adaptation to Drought.

This initiative is part of the ongoing Pilot Programmatic Partnership between the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) and FAO, aimed at enhancing capacities and scale for Anticipatory Action, including through social protection systems. The partnership, which has been active in Lao PDR since 2021, has already achieved significant milestones, including raising awareness of the Anticipatory Action approach among partners and government counterparts

Source: Lao News Agency

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