On January 28, 2022, Lao Air Force Headquarter (LAFH) has successfully completed its pilot and mechanic. The closing ceremony was held, under the chairmanship of Col. Khamlar Simmaly, Vice Military Chief Commander of LAFH and there were Party-command committee, representatives from offices, trainers, trainees and invited guests taking part in. According to a report from Col. Souphan Dethnorasan, Vice Head of Airline training Office, all officers and combatants had focused on researching and learning especially the theories and principles. All trainees could know how to effectively mobilize both theory and real practice into the real situation and maintained for fighting combat readiness at any time to ensure the national defending mission to ease Lao multiethnic people to contribute in safeguarding and constructing their fatherland. The training was an important contribution into upgrading capacity in fighting to protect Lao’s air space and increasingly strengthen building up the Lao People’s Army to fulfill the honorable duty of securing the Lao nation. This occasion, the Lao Defence Ministry honourably decorated Friendship Decoration Medal to 2 Russian military experts.
Source: Lao People’s Army