
Nam Ngum 1 Hydropower station expansion project Officially opened

Nam Ngum 1 Hydropower station expansion project was officially opened to generate electricity.

The Grand Opening Ceremony of Nam Ngum Hydropower Station expansion Project was held at Keo-oudom district, Vientiane province on August 27, in presence of Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Sonxay Sipandon, Minister of Energy and Mines, Mr Davong Phonkeo, Ambassador of Japan to Lao PDR Mr. Kenichi Kobayashi and officials concerned.

Director General of Electricite du Laos Mr. Chanthaboun Souk-Aloun said that the Nam Ngm 1 hydropower station expansion project is to increase power supply capacity for peak load by expanding the existing Nam Ngum 1 hydropower expansion station, thereby contribute to improving international power balance, this project has received a concessional loan from the Japanese government. The project consists of drilling the existing dam to install a water pipeline, expanding the old mill to the side and installing a new 40 MW power plant.

The project has hired a joint consulting company Nippon Koei & J-Power & LCG, started working from April 2014 onwards by making a detailed design for construction and controlling the field construction until completion and contracted with Hazama Ando Corporation for construction and installation of mechanical works (Civil and Hydromechanical Works).

The project started to work in August 2017 and finished in December 2021.

Source: Lao News Agency