Plan International Laos in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), International Cooperation Department, Department of Education and Sports of Bokeo Province signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning “Promotion and Scale-up of the Summer Pre-primary Education Model (10 Weeks) in Phaoudom district, Bokeo Province of the Lao PDR”.
The project Implements at 15 target villages in Phaoudom district, to support the Ministry of Education and Sports to implement its 9th Education and Sports Sector Development Plan (ESSDP) 2021-2025 to roll out short summer pre-primary (10 weeks) reach the unreachable children between 3-5 years old, including children with disabilities in rural remote area of Pha-oudom district in Bokeo province and utilize results of feasibility analysis and documentation to support roll out SPP (10 weeks).
The project is funded by GPE KIX and Plan International Canada, to conduct research, analysis and documentation such as feasibility study, develop manuals or guidelines for scaling up Summer Pre-primary (10 Weeks).
To implement SPP (10 weeks course) and utilize results of documentation to support roll out SPP (10 weeks course). And support MoES and technical working group for meeting and ToT for trainers from national to roll out SPP (10 weeks course).
Recognizing the critical importance of ECE for the healthy development of all children which will have long-term implications for the human development of the country, the Government has set forth a clear medium-term goal in the Education and Sports Sector Development Plan (ESSDP) 2021-2025: creating affordable and expanded access to ECE, especially in poorer and educationally disadvantaged areas. This is reflected within the ESSDP that the number of learners from ECE to lower secondary M4 increases with a special focus on the disadvantages and ensuring gender equity. The Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) has prioritized the need to address key issues around participation rates for students at all levels including pre-primary/kindergarten.
Mr. Sengsantisith Sanasisane, the Interim Country Director of Plan International Laos said that “Implementing the Promotion and Scale-up of the Summer Pre-primary Education Model (10 Weeks) is necessary for children to prepare school readiness for children or primary school, to prepare their emotional and motor (physical) developments and to be able to learn effectively and enjoy their studying.”
Regarding to the project success of the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Programme was the first to be established in the Sangthong district of Vientiane, with the first Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) being signed early in 2007.
The implementation partner was the Pre-Primary Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) and provincial and district education departments and offices respectively.
From 2008, implementation of education sector programmes commenced in Bokeo Province, first to Pha Oudom District and then expanding to Paktha and then Meung Districts. In 2009, the Basic Education Programmes expanded into 3 districts of Bokeo Province and 3 districts of Oudomxay Province, and has been funded by the European Union, Australian Aid, Plan Australia, Plan Canada, Plan Finland, Plan Switzerland, and Plan Japan.
From 2019, Education programme has expanded to Saravan Province with support from WFP and Plan Japan.
Research conducted in both developed and developing countries shows that ECE is one of the most cost-effective and equitable interventions in human development. ECE interventions have been shown to decrease dropout and repetition rates at the primary school level, increase graduation rates in post-secondary education and improve labour force productivity and wages. The project is building on a proven Summer Pre-primary Programme (10 week) implemented in LEARN project over the years of 2015-2019 and now included in current ESSDP 2021-2025. It will contribute to the implementation of 9th ESSDP and ensuring appropriate student learning outcomes are achieved through the additional focus on ECE.
Source: Lao News Agency