
World Vision: Lao PDR Emergency and COVID-19 Response Situation Report (14 March 2022)

Response Highlights:

• In Khammouane Province, World Vison supported the construction of seven community water supply systems to increase the access to clean water and fight against COVID-19. With the financial support of the EDF Foundation, over 3,300 individuals of Xebangfai district have a new, sustainable access to clean water directly from their house.

• In Khammouane province, World Vision provided financial support in a total amount of 15,520,000 LAK (app.1.385USD) to the Xebangfai District Health Office to promote vaccination campaign in 13 target villages. 1,756 community members attended the event, and 1,142 people including children were vaccinated. Similarly, the European Union-funded AHAN Project has organized a COVID-19 prevention and vaccination campaign and provided health information and education in Attapeu province during January and February 2022. The events recorded 2,576 participants including 838 women. The project has also supported community vaccination with 344 community members, including 198 women, who have received vaccination during this period.

• The flow of returning migrant workers into the quarantine centers increased after the New Year, with a peak of over 700 people occupying the centres in early February. Since January 2022, 2,837 returning migrant workers registered in two World Vision-World Food Programme Quarantine Centres in Savannakhet and Saravane provinces, including 1,451 women (incl.77 pregnant women), and 294 children (149 girls).

• During this period, the food assistance project implemented by World Vision has been providing 3 meals a day per person, reaching a total of 84,710 meals, for an amount of 1,129,580,000 LAK (app. 98,500 USD).

Source: World Vision