Turin, 4th July 2022. Iveco Group N.V. (IVG) announces the beginning of the merger procedure (pursuant to Sections 2:309 of the Dutch Civil Code) with and into IVG of its fully owned subsidiary New Business Netherlands Holding B.V., a private company with limited liability (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid), having its official seat in Andelst, the Netherlands, […]
Day: July 4, 2022
Prince Albert of Monaco: Boating Evolves and Is an Engine of Change
The Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous Will Help Support Solutions to Climate Change in the World of Boating Yacht Club of Monaco MONACO, July 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — “The world of yachting must change to meet the challenges of a warming planet,” said Prince Albert II of Monaco, who is also president of the Yacht Club […]
Philips completes cancellation of 8.8 million shares
July 4, 2022 Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG; AEX: PHIA) today announced that it has completed the cancellation of 8,758,455 of its shares. The cancelled shares were acquired as part of the EUR 1.5 billion share repurchase program for capital reduction purposes that was announced on July 26, 2021. Philips’ current issued […]
1.7 Million Locked Down in China’s Anhui Province
China placed 1.7 million people under lockdown in central Anhui province, where authorities reported nearly 300 new cases Monday in the latest of a string of outbreaks testing Beijing’s no-tolerance approach to COVID-19.The country is the last major ec…
Saudi Arabia Welcomes Largest Hajj Pilgrimage Since Pandemic
White-robed worshippers from around the world have packed the streets of Islam’s holiest city ahead of the biggest hajj pilgrimage since the coronavirus pandemic began.Banners welcoming the faithful, including the first international visitors since 201…