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Maharlika Investment Corp. releases new logo

MANILA: The Maharlika Investment Corp. (MIC) on Thursday unveiled its new logo inspired by the Philippine Eagle.

In a statement, the MIC said the new logo embodies the strength, focus, and enduring power necessary to elevate the country.

It said the design reflects the sovereign wealth fund’s commitment to building benefits for the country’s future generations.

The Maharlika logo has three stars that represent Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, while the central sun symbolizes national unity and the fund’s reach across the archipelago.

The MIC said the logo’s colors – bold red, blue, and yellow – reflect the Philippine flag, demonstrating a deep respect for God and country.

“This logo signifies our commitment to realizing the vision of MIC for a revitalized, economically vibrant Philippines. As a catalyst for sustainable, inclusive growth, we are champions of progress and models of transparency and accountability,” Maharlika President and CEO Rafael Consing Jr. said.

“Guided by our investment pillars, we are
dedicated to elevating the quality of life of the Filipino people and leaving a legacy of prosperity for the country. Together, we will soar towards a brighter future for our nation.”

The MIC serves as the sole vehicle responsible for mobilizing and utilizing the Maharlika Investment Fund for investments in transactions aimed at generating optimal returns on investments.

Source: Philippines News Agency