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SNOMED International identifies the benefits of using SNOMED CT for its broad range of stakeholders in new report

London, United Kingdom, June 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SNOMED International is pleased to announce the launch of a new report that details the value each of its many stakeholder groups can experience by implementing SNOMED CT, the most comprehensive global language for health terms. This report builds on the work captured in a series of videos completed in 2020 in which a New Zealand health board highlights the advances it has made in realizing its vision of a connected, integrated system by using SNOMED CT.

The report, titled SNOMED CT: Articulating Stakeholder Value, was developed over the past year as part of our efforts to meet our 2020-2025 Strategy commitments and to realize our vision of better health and improved patient outcomes worldwide.

It identifies where and how SNOMED CT is used, providing an end-to-end perspective of the entire universe of SNOMED CT users, including Members, policy makers, care providers, patients and citizens, researchers and knowledge producers, implementers, vendors and collaboration partners, and expands and extends our existing value propositions to each of those groups. It also lays out the pathway to realizing the full value of SNOMED CT when embedded in a clinical information system, a health data and analytics platform or an interoperability solution.

“There has been enormous evolution in the SNOMED CT product and community since the organization came into being,” states Don Sweete, CEO of SNOMED International. “As the organization and our community have evolved, so, too, has the value that the product and its resources offer healthcare systems and stakeholders worldwide.” Don also noted, “As a core clinical reference terminology that is unchallenged in terms of its clinical breadth and depth, our renewed value propositions mirror the evolution of our stakeholders in their past, present and future use of SNOMED CT.”

Based on the Delone and McLean IS Success Framework as the theoretical underpinning for the development of these segmented value propositions, the report demonstrates the role of SNOMED CT as a critical component of the entire ecosystem of clinical terminologies and the importance of collaboration among the sponsors of those terminologies.

It also provides government decision-makers with a clear understanding of how their investments in SNOMED CT translate into positive outcomes for the health of their nation’s citizens.

Highlights of the benefits by stakeholder groups

  • Policymakers are more informed when making policy and management decisions, accelerating data-driven analytics and decision-making processes
  • Members can ensure that high-quality clinical information is available to stakeholders within their nations
  • Collaboration Partners contribute their best-in-class clinical knowledge to SNOMED CT to ensure its clinical integrity and create the one language of health
  • Researchers and Knowledge Producers can accelerate data, information, evidence and knowledge creation, supporting a wide range of analytics and research to benefit the decision-making of policymakers and healthcare stakeholders
  • Implementers can collect data once and reuse it for a diverse range of clinical, management and research purposes to support a broad range of health stakeholders
  • Vendors can open up markets globally and expand market share by enhancing the information quality of their products, using a global standard used in over 80 countries
  • Care Providers can improve patient outcomes by being knowledgeable about their patient’s health and options for care, achieving a more informed and collaborative relationship when making critical care decisions
  • Patients/Citizens can control their own health information and be knowledgeable about their health and self-care options

Over the coming months, SNOMED International will build on this work with the release of an in-depth SNOMED CT Case for Investment, supported by economic benefits modeling and data-driven exemplar case studies of SNOMED CT use.

To read the report, Articulating Stakeholder Value, visit

About SNOMED International

SNOMED International is a not-for-profit organization that owns and develops SNOMED CT, the world’s most comprehensive healthcare terminology product. We play an essential role in improving the health of humankind by determining standards for a codified language that represents groups of clinical terms. This enables healthcare information to be exchanged globally for the benefit of patients and other stakeholders. We are committed to the rigorous evolution of our products and services, to deliver continuous innovation for the global healthcare community. SNOMED International is the trading name of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation.

Media Inquiries

Kelly Kuru

Chief Communications Officer


Kelly Kuru
SNOMED International