11th National Games concludes with success

Xieng Khuang, the host province of the 11th National Games held on Dec 22 a closing ceremony for the national sport competition in the presence of Prime Minister Phankham Viphavanh, Governor of Xieng Khuang Bounchanh Sivongphanh, and representatives of relevant authorities.
Addressing the ceremony, Governor of Xieng Khuang Bounchanh Sivongphanh stated that the event was of great significance as it conveyed the great care and expectations of the Party, the State and the people for the future and the development of the country’s sports sector.
Xieng Khuang athletes topped the medal tally with 62 gold, 60 silvers and 95 bronze medals. They were followed by Vientiane with 58 gold, 51 silver and 97 bronze medals, while the athletes of the Ministry of National Defense finished third place with 51 gold, 49 silver and 36 bronze medals.
The national games featured 25 sports and more than 2,500 medals.
Delivering remarks at the closing event, Prime Minister Phankham Viphavanh expressed his appreciation for all efforts made by sports organizations, committees, sports staff, coaches and relevant authorities to make the 11th National Games a great success.
During the ceremony, Mayor of Vientiane Artsaphangthong Siphandone representing the administration and people of Vientiane received the National Games Flag from Xieng Khuang to host the 12th National Game in 2025.

Source: Lao News Agency

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