2 women charged for selling explicit photos, videos of minor online

MANILA: The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Thursday presented to the media a mother arrested for selling nude pictures and live sex video of her daughter, together with her sister, the victim’s aunt.

NBI Director Jaime Santiago said the 11-year-old child became a victim of her mother and aunt when she was still five.

‘So here is a case na yung nanay ay ibinebenta yung picture ng kaniyang anak sa foreigner, ranging from PHP25,000 per transaction, and this started when the child was still 5 years old, ngayon ang child ay 11 years old na (of a mother who sells the pictures of her daughter to foreigners ranging from PHP25,000 per transaction, this started when the child was still 5 years old and is 11 years old now),’ Santiago said.

The suspects, who are siblings aged 26 and 28, were arrested on Tuesday during an entrapment operation, said NBI Human Trafficking Division (HTRAD) chief Olga Angustia-Gonzales. The child was also rescued.

The case of the child was referred to them by a non-government o
rganization, The Exodus Road, after it discovered in an instant messaging app that a certain ‘AYVAH’ and ‘YNA’ were offering sexual-related videos to foreign customers.

On Wednesday, the suspects were presented for inquest proceedings for violations of Republic Act (RA) 11862 or the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2022, RA 11930 or the Anti-Online Sexual Abuse or Exploitation of Children and Anti-Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials Act, and RA 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act.

Gonzales said the victim was referred to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for protective custody.

Source: Philippines News Agency

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