DPM Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune receives outgoing German Ambassador

Deputy Prime Minister Kikeo Khaykhamphithoun received in Vientiane on Jun 29 German Ambassador to the Lao PDR Mr. Jens Peter Lütkenherm on the occasion of his fulfillment of diplomatic mission in the Lao PDR.

During the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Kikeo appreciated the ambassador’s fulfillment of diplomatic mission and active contribution to enhancing the relations and cooperation between Laos and Germany in the past four years.

The host also spoke highly of the ambassador’s active role in mobilising assistance and support from the German government for the socio-economic development, mainly on rural development, vocational training, as well as for Covid-19 fight in the Lao PDR.

He also wished Ambassador Lütkenherm a safe trip home and success in his new tasks.

Source: Lao News Agency

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