Vientiane tightens anti-Covid-19 measures

Vientiane Mayor Atsaphangthong Siphandone signed on Aug 30 an order banning all travels from red zones in Vientiane to other provinces and from red zones in other provinces to Vientiane except those with permission from the provincial Taskforce Committee.

The order bans all festive gatherings across the capital city.

Meeting, training and activities with more than 20 participants are prohibited. Anti-Covid-19 measures must be respected strictly.

Karaoke venues, entertainment venues, tourist sites, night markets, food gardens, bars including grill shops that sell alcoholic drinks, cinemas, snooker venues, massage shops, spas, beauty parlours, internet cafes and games shops are ordered to be closed.

Indoor and outdoor sport facilities including gymnasiums, badminton courts, football fields, petangue courts, boxing rings, swimming pools, cock fighting rings and other venues of physical contact sports.

No vehicles can be driven between 21.00 and 05.00 hours except those used for transporting goods, food, medical equipment, ambulances, fire trucks, rescue vehicles, and taskfoce committee vehicles.

Traditional and local border checkpoints are to be closed. Passenger transport through the first Laos-Thai Friendship Bridge is also banned. Goods transports, and travel with permission from the Taskforce Committee, are allowed.

Schools of all levels are closed.

Source: Lao News Agency

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