Laos Urges the US to End its Embargo on Cuba at the United Nations

On November 3 2022, the 77th Session of General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Resolution entitled: “the Necessity of ending economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”, with 185 countries voted in favor.
The said Resolution enjoyed once again, the overwhelming support by UN member states since it was tabled for the first time 30 years ago at UNGA in 1992, consistently calling for the removal of the embargo posed on Cuba. Before the adoption, member states took turn in delivering their national statements by taking note of the report of the Secretary General on the implementation of the Resolution and continued to call for refrainment and abandonment of all measures that contravenes the freedom of trade and economic cooperation that are protected by International Law and the UN Charter.
In his statement, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Lao PDR to the UN, Anouparb Vongnorkeo addressed the General Assembly, highlighted the devastating impacts cause by the unjust embargo imposed on Cuba over the past 6 decades on the Cuban people and expressed the solid solidarity with the people and government of the Republic of Cuba, especially at the time when countries across the globe are bearing the blunt of the multifaceted challenges, including the lingering effects of COVID-19, natural calamities, economic and financial difficulties, food insecurity and energy crises, among others. The Lao PDR reiterated its consistent support for the Resolution and call on all member states of the United Nations to redouble our collective efforts to advancing equitable and sustainable development and legitimate rights of all peoples in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.
Cuban PM Manuel Marrero Cruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, visited Laos in October as part of a tour of Southeast Asia.

Source: Lao News Agency

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