Gov’t meeting adopts key documents, highlights commitments to solving national issues

The Government members stated at its monthly meeting, held on Nov 21-22, that it is necessary to continue to attach importance to translating into concrete actions the results of the 5th National Meeting on Political Ideology and deepen the implementation of the outcomes of the 5th Plenary Meeting of the 11th Party Central Committee with detailed action plans.
Chaired by Prime Minister Phankham Viphavanh, the meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Ministers, ministers and representatives of line ministries.
The cabinet members noted that it is also necessary to prioritise deepening the implementation of the results of the review meeting on patriotism and development movements, political grassroots building, rural development and poverty reduction and three-build work and the revision of 10 laws that the government will present at the fourth Ordinary Session of the National Assembly.
They approved in principles draft amendments to a decree on the definition of micro, small and medium enterprises, a decree on the SME Promotion Fund, and a draft decree on taxpayer identification numbers.
They called on the Ministry of Finance to work with relevant authorities to revise the content of the decree according to the recommendations of the government to ensure the management of businesses and that taxation is made in a transparent and effective manner.
The meeting also approved a draft decree on dressing and stated that the government always encourage all Lao people to protect and conserve the fine traditions and customs of the nation and its ethnic groups.
Also approved at the meeting included a draft national strategy on civil servant management 2030 and the 1oth periodical national report on the implementation of the UN’s Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
The meeting also called on relevant authorities to ensure peaceful celebration of the inscription of the Plain of Jars as UNESCO’s World Heritage, 46th anniversary of National Day, the holding of the 11th National Games in Xieng Khuang, and other national events.
The government also urged the continued strict and effective implementation of the Prime Minister’s decision on strengthening the management of state revenues and revenue leakage, his decree on thriftiness and anti-extravagant lifestyles, and Decree on State Vehicles.
Relevant authorities were asked to continue to reform state enterprises according to the government’s Resolution No. 10 (2021) and address unemployment issues, improve labour skills of Lao workers to meet the requirements of domestic and overseas labour markets.
The meeting also agreed to continue to implement in a timely and effective manner the achievements made at the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits, and agreements reached between leaders and their counterparts from neighbouring countries, and prepare comprehensively for the official visit of Vietnamese Prime Minister who will attend the conclusion event of Laos-Vietnam Solidarity and Friendship Year 2022 and the 45th Meeting of the Laos-Vietnam Cooperation Committee.

Source: Lao News Agency

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