KPL celebrates 55th anniversary

Khaosan Pathet Lao (Lao News Agency), abbreviated to KPL, on Friday organized a gathering to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of KPL (Jan 6, 1968-2023).
The celebration was held in the presence of Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Suansavan Vignaket, KPL’s Director General Khampheuy Philapha, his predecessors, KPL’s retired and active staff and invited guests.
Addressing the meeting, Minister Suansavan urged the management and staff of KPL to continue to serve the Party and government by paying attention to developing more professionals and its modernization as well as making use of social media so that KPL can continue to be a reliable, accurate and recent source of information.
Director General of KPL News Khampheuy Philapha briefed the meeting about the history of the Lao News Agency as well as its achievements in the past five and half decades.
Former directors general of KPL also shared with the participants their years of experience at the Lao national news agency.

Source: Lao News Agency

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