Made-in-Laos Expo 2023 held

The Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Champassak Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry is holding Made In Laos Expo 2023 (Feb 10-19) under the team “Revitalize the economy and promote Lao products’ access to overseas markets”.

Held at Lao-ITECC, Vientiane, the exhibition aims to promote the use and commercial production of domestic products, and the competitiveness of Lao products at overseas markets, SMEs, and business matchmaking.

The opening ceremony of the event (Feb 15) saw the presence of Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone, ministers, presidents of central and provincial chambers of Commerce and Industry, representatives of relevant authorities and international organizations and business community.

“This year exhibition has over 200 booths selling and displaying a variety of products of more than 130 businesses and companies from across the country including one district one product – ODOPs, handicrafts, food, beverage, agricultural products, industrial products, furniture, IT, and services,” said Vice President of the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ms Chanthachone Vongsay.

“Interestingly, this year we have invited investors from China, Thailand and Vietnam to exhibit their products, and we also organize many sideline events including meetings, seminars to encourage knowledge sharing, award events and a concert,” Ms Chanthachone Vongsay added.

“Made in Laos Expo was held for the first time in 2011. Annually, a provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry will co host the event with LNCCI and this year is the turn of Champassak to be the co-host. It designed and decorated the gate of the exhibition which portrays lifestyle, customs, culture and cultural and natural tourism attractions as well as the economic growth of the province,” said LNCCI Vice President Ms Chanthachone Vongsay.

The exhibition also provides the opportunity for businesses to seek new partners, introduce their products and services to domestic and foreign visitors as well as to share ideas and solutions on doing business and production.

Source: Lao News Agency

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