Employers’ regulation-based Eid leave extension to avoid return peak

We have been accustomed to working from home since the pandemic Jakarta (ANTARA) – President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi’s) appeal for employees to extend their Eid al-Fitr leave days to break up traffic congestion during the Eid return flow is subject to regulations of respective employers, the Presidential Secretariat stated.”On his appeal, the president said that ‘the (leave days) are arranged by respective institutions or companies (through various schemes), such as extra leave days.’ Hence, (employees) can extend their leave period, work from their hometowns, or ask for permission from their superiors,” Presidential Secretariat’s Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media Bey Machmudinnoted in a statement received here, Tuesday. Despite the appeal being directed at all employees, including state apparatuses, military and police officers, and private employees, they must adhere to their institutions’ leave procedures and coordinate with their superiors or the human resources department. “We have been accustomed to working from home since the pandemic, including online attendance recording, performance-based works, and others. However, those already in Jakarta should continue working. They do not need to extend the leave,” Machmudin stated. Earlier, Jokowi had urged employees returning to their hometowns during the Eid al-Fitr exodus period to delay their return to avoid the reverse flow peak expected on April 24-25, 2023, by extending their leave. The president noted that individuals can delay their return until after April 26. “To prevent congestion during the peak return flow on April 24-25, the government is recommending that people, who do not have urgent travel needs, avoid traveling during this time,” he stated in a video uploaded by the Presidential Secretariat monitored in Jakarta on Monday (April 24). The government has been able to properly manage the 2023 Eid homecoming flow despite the fact that it was the highest in history, he stated. baca-jugaRelated news: andgtov’t predicts peak of Eid exodus return flow to start on April 24Related news: Eid exodus travelers urged to delay return to April 26-30Related news: Road accidents down 39% during Eid exodus: Minister

Source: Antara News Agency

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