DPRK: Ordinary Workers Tell a Story of Love

Today, we celebrate the May Day – the international holiday of the working people around the globe.

Ever since 1890 when we started to commemorate the May Day, the working masses in every part of the world have made strenuous efforts to eradicate all sorts of exploitation and pressure and to enhance their social status. However, they have yet to realize their desire to fully enjoy the right to existence, democratic freedom, and independent life.

But the situation in our country is different. Thanks to respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and his great policy of loving the people, all working people are taking active part in social and political activities as masters of the state and society, enjoying the right to labour to their hearts’ content, as well as being preferentially ensured every conditions for living.

Through the story of love received by the ordinary workers at the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill, we can know what a dignified life the working people of the DPRK are leading.

Mun Kang Sun, who was a weaver at the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill, accomplished the annual plans ahead of schedule every year and also completed 2-year and 3-year tasks early. She has now become a labour innovator, Labour Heroine and deputy to the Supreme People’s Assembly known throughout the country.

When Changjon Street was built in the centre of the capital city, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un saw to it that a new fine apartment is allocated for her before anyone else though she just got married at that time. He also visited her new house and blessed the future of the newly married couple.

He visited the house even before their parents, presenting them with many gifts including household goods necessary for them. They enjoyed the day with respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who meticulously took care of their newlywed life. It was indeed an atmosphere of a sweet family with father and mother.

Not just the Mun Kang Sun couple, but all the workers of the Textile Mill received the blessings of love of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

One day in October 2013, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill. Before hearing about the production, he first acquainted himself with the living conditions of the factory workers including their housing and hostel to the last detail. He then said that he would personally take responsibility for building a wonderful hostel, and dispatched a powerful construction team of the KPA and solved all problems arising in the construction.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the workers’ hostel which was built within just a six-month-period and said with affection that this hostel is not a workers’ hostel but a “workers’ hotel” and “workers’ palace”. He also saw to it that a grand banquet for workers was held in this hostel in celebration of the May Day.

Under the exceptional attention of the Party and government, a workers’ banquet, unparalleled in the world, was held in the “workers’ palace” on the meaningful May Day and ordinary weavers received congratulations from all people. This dreamlike story clearly proves the high position of our workers under the socialist system of our country which regards the popular masses as the masters.

Every year in many countries, on the occasion of the May Day, people continuously stage public protests calling for an end to the society which only serves for the rich, 1% of the population and for the creation of the society which serves for the working masses, 99% of the population. However, our people significantly commemorate this day with an exceptional pride of being a socialist worker who do not spare their efforts for the prosperity and development of the state and society.

Source: Lao News Agency

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