Laos’ well-known places, culture reflected in wall murals

An art exhibition of paintings on the wall outside the American Center near the Thaddam in Vientiane has been opened yesterday. It is a work of painting by a famous artist of the Lao PDR supported by the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation programme (AFCP).

“For more than 20 years, the U.S. government has been supporting cultural heritage preservation in Laos through the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation program,” said U.S Ambassador to Laos Peter Haymond.

“The mural project at the American Centre is very interesting. Laos has its own history and cultural beauty. I want foreigners who come to visit Laos or Lao people who rarely have the opportunity to go to other provinces to know that there are many beautiful places in the Lao PDR and to persuade them to see those beauties for themselves,” said Ambassador.

“Most recently, beginning last year, we started supporting the documentation and preservation of wall paintings in three temples in Savannakhet. Along the way, the U.S. government has provided more than $1.3 million dollars in funding for projects around Laos,” said He.

“It has been wonderful to see so many Lao people and foreign tourists taking photos of these murals as they walk between That Dam and Lan Xang Avenue. I want to express my appreciation to the artists, especially Alex, who has been a key partner of ours in making these murals come to life,” Ambassador added.

Alex and other members of his “arts 2 win” emerging artist collective; professors and students of the National Institute of Fine Arts; Sai Phonephaseuth, who traveled from Luang Prabang to bring the art of Luang Prabang temple stencil work; and colleagues from the Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Arts and Literature all contributed to making this mural project so impressive and beautiful.

Source: Lao News Agency

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