NA Secretary briefs media about the success of 5th Ordinary Session

Secretary of the National Assembly Pingkham Lasasima held a press briefing on the success of the 5th Ordinary Session of the National Assembly’s 9th legislature in Vientiane on July 18.

The 5th Ordinary Session of the National Assembly’s 9th legislature was held between June 26 and July 18. The meeting was attended by members of the National Assembly, cabinet members and other Party and government leaders, and representatives of the Lao Front for National Development and relevant authorities.

The 5th Ordinary Session of the National Assembly’s 9th legislature has achieved its objectives including the approval of reports on the implementation of the current socio-economic development plan, state budget plan, monetary plan, and the two national agendas on Addressing Economic and Financial Difficulties, and Drug Issues in the first half of 2023, and targets set for the second half of the year.

The National Assembly members also approved a draft 10-year National Strategy on Mineral Development 2021-2030 and Vision 2040, a report on the implementation of the social protection strategy, and a draft National Strategy on Water and Water Resources Management 2030, as well as reports on the implementation of four laws in the justice sphere: Law on People’s Supreme Court, Law on Supreme People’s Prosecutor Office, Law on Civil Procedure, and Law on Criminal Procedure.

Lawmakers adopted four new laws including Law on Public Health, Employment, Land Tax, and Lao Young Pioneers, and amendments to six existing laws – Commercial Banks, Aquatic Animals and Fisheries, Wildlife, Printing and Distribution, Protection of the Rights and Interests of Children, and Military Court.

Over 17 days of the meeting, the hot line 156 of the National Assembly received 536 calls from the general public who raised concerns about inflation, rising goods prices, goods price management, land concession, illegal mining, road construction, the promotion of public use of national currency Kip, and the suppression of narcotic drugs.

Environment problems caused by industrial factories, and teaching and learning standards of schools in rural areas were also reported through the hotline.

“As the secretary of the meeting, I will present these problems to concerned commissions of the National Assembly so that they can discuss them with relevant authorities along with possible solutions,” said Ms Pingkham Lasasima.

Source: Lao News Agency

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