OV, French citizens rally in support of Tran To Nga’s Agent Orange lawsuit

More than 200 overseas Vietnamese and French friends gathered with various organisations at the Place de la République in Paris on May 4 to express their support for Vietnamese-French Tran To Nga and Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin victims of Vietnam in a lawsuit against chemical companies that supplied herbicides to the US military during the war in Vietnam. The activity took place ahead of the May 7 hearing at the Paris Court of Appeals, which continues the trial of the 82-year-old woman’s lawsuit against Bayer-Monsanto and 13 other companies that manufactured or marketed the AO/dioxin used by the US military during the war in Vietnam from 1961 to 1971. Facing these chemical industry giants, lawyers William Bourdon and Bertrand Repolt will defend Nga and millions of victims of this toxic substance in Vietnam.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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