Tondo Medical Center awarded Gold Trailblazer anew

MANILA: The Tondo Medical Center (TMC) was the recipient of the Gold Trailblazer Award for the second time, recognized by the Institute for Solidarity in Asia for its commitment to excellent healthcare delivery.

Dr. Jeffrey Castillo, chair of TMC’s Office for Strategy Management, said the hospital received its award on June 19 after making it to the Proficiency Stage of the Performance Governance System (PGS).

‘This award recognizes Tondo Med’s commitment to excellence in healthcare delivery, innovative practices and outstanding patient care,’ Castillo said.

‘With this, our employees are assured that they will receive the necessary trainings to further develop their expertise and most importantly, our patients are assured that they will only receive the highest level of quality healthcare.’

In 2018, the Department of Health (DOH) Level 3 hospital got the same award for the Initiation and Compliance Stages.

The PGS has four stages — Initiation, Compliance, Proficiency and Institutionalization.

It is a f
ramework for the formulation and implementation of strategies aimed at governance reform capacities toward better service delivery.

It also culls global best practices in managing strategy to meet the needs of Philippine public sector institutions.

TMC Medical Center Chief II Dr. Maria Isabelita Estrella said the TMC started its PGS journey in 2018, and from thereon has brought ‘positive changes’ in the hospital.

She said the PGS has become the ‘cornerstone of the hospital’s transformation from just being an extension hospital to an excellent health facility.’

TMC was established in 1971 and started as the Tondo Annex of the Jose R. Reyes Memorial Hospital.

‘It has helped the hospital to drive progress, foster accountability and enhance performance across all levels,’ she said. ‘It is expected to stay as the focal point for Tondo Med’s continued progress and success.’

Meanwhile, Castillo said the journey has never been easy but because of a ‘shared vision’ among the hospital’s workforce to provide bette
r health outcomes, the job has been done.

‘The hospital underwent an audit conducted by a third party auditor. It consisted of focus group discussions, interviews and spot audits,’ Castillo said.

He said among the plans in the pipeline are completing the specialty centers for geriatrics, trauma, burn and derma; increasing bed capacity from 300 to 500; and the establishment of a new specialty center on cancer.

Local, int’l recognitions

In 2019, 2022 and 2023, TMC snared the DOH Hospital Star Award, which recognizes institutions that demonstrate excellence in medical care and innovation.

The hospital is also one of the first government institutions to be International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certified. In January, the hospital was granted ISO recertification until January 2027.

TMC was also accredited for 2020 to 2023 by the Philippine Tripartite Accreditation for Health Facilities Inc., an independent non-profit organization dedicated to improve and promote quality and safety in the delive
ry of healthcare through continuing review of performance assessment and accreditation.

TMC is now in the final stages for reaccreditation by late 2024 to early 2025.

During the World Hospital Congress in Lisbon, Portugal in 2023, TMC got the Gold award from the International Hospital Federation Awards in the category Sultanate of Oman Excellence Awards for Health Services During Crisis.

TMC bested hundreds of projects and programs for its entry titled ‘Tondo Medical Center Covid-19 Response.’

Source: Philippines News Agency

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