? Afternoon briefing on November 22

The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.

– The National Assembly (NA) on November 22 decided to reschedule the voting on the draft revised Land Law to the next session instead of the ongoing sixth session to continue amending and perfecting the bill.

With support from 453 out of 459 deputies present at the sitting, the NA agreed on the change to the sixth session’s agenda, under which it will not vote on the draft revised Land Law at this session but the next.Read full text

– The National Assembly (NA) discussed at the hall the results of receiving citizens, and handling their complaints and denunciations in 2023 as part of its ongoing sixth plenary session on November 22 morning.

In a report on the results, head of the NA Standing Committee’s Ombudsman Commission Duong Thanh Binh said that since the beginning of this year, the number of citizens visiting NA’s agencies and Delegations of NA deputies to make complaints and denunciations increased by 1,615
from 2022. There were also 102 more cases involving large number of complainants. He added that the number of written complaints sent to the NA rose by 1,384. in various fields such as land management, construction, resettlement, and compensation.Read full text

– Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan and Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen held talks in Copenhagen on November 21, during which they agreed on the need to soon carry out the joint statement on establishing the green strategic partnership.

Vice President Xuan, who is paying an official visit to Denmark at the invitation of PM Frederiksen, affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to and wants to enhance the friendship, cooperation, and comprehensive partnership with the European country.Read full text

– Delegations from Vietnam’s central province of Quang Binh and Khammouan province of Laos presented gifts, and handed over civil works to the authority and people of Lang Khang village cluster in the Lao locality at a ceremon
y on November 22.

This is one of a series of activities of twinning residential clusters in the two border localities, contributing to promoting close relations between Vietnam and Laos in general and between Quang Binh and Khammouan province in particular.Read full text

– Important achievements that Vietnam and Cambodia have gained together in land border-related affairs were highlighted at a conference held in Phu Quoc city in the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang on November 22.

Opening the event, Vice Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education Le Hai Binh said that the conference offered a chance to encourage authorities and people along the Vietnam-Cambodia shared border to work harder to complete the tasks of protecting the national security and social safety and order.Read full text

– Vietnamese Ambassador to Brazil Bui Van Nghi on November 21 had a working session with Vice Minister of Science and Technology for Social Development of Brazil and President o
f the Brazil – Vietnam Friendship Association (BVFA) Inácio Arruda, and General Secretary of the BVFA Pedro de Oliveira, discussing measures to promote cooperation between the two countries.

At the meeting, the two sides discussed the potential for bilateral cooperation in politics-diplomacy, economy-commerce, culture, education, and science-technology via Party, government and people-to-people diplomacy channels.Read full text

– Vietnam Foodexpo 2023 opened at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre (SECC) in Ho Chi Minh City on November 22.

The four-day event features more than 500 booths of nearly 400 domestic and international enterprises, including businesses from 30 Vietnamese cities and provinces and more than 20 countries and territories such as the US, Russia, Australia, China, the Republic of Korea, Japan.Read full text/.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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