Can Tho lures Japanese investment with skilled workforce, infrastructure advantages

Can Tho: Chairman of the People’s Committee of the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho Tran Viet Truong highlighted the potential benefits awaiting Japanese enterprises investing in the city during a working session on March 18 with a delegation of executives of Japanese banks led by Managing Executive Officer of Gunma Bank Uchibori Takeo.

Truong underlined the advantages Can Tho offers, including a readily available workforce, access to raw materials, well-developed transportation infrastructure, and a favourable urban environment. He pointed to the National Assembly’s Resolution issued in 2022, which allows Can Tho to apply some specially-designed policies to attract resources for infrastructure, human capital and digital transformation initiatives, including those from abroad.

Can Tho boasts a robust industrial park network, with six parks currently operational and one under construction covering a total area of nearly 992ha. It is actively seeking investment in the Hung Phu 1 and Vinh Thanh industrial parks.

Beyond infrastructure, Can Tho possesses a significant advantage in its human resources. It has the largest number of skilled workers in the Mekong Delta, with eight universities and 63 vocational training institutions contributing to the talent pool. Notably, around 8,400 students are pursuing studies in fields like information technology, electronics, telecommunications, e-commerce and digital economy. Every year, some 1,700 college and university graduates enter the workforce equipped with digital transformation skills.

Furthermore, FPT University in Can Tho offers a dedicated Japanese language programme while Can Tho University has incorporated Japanese as a supplementary language within its foreign language faculty. Other universities and colleges collaborate with businesses and organisations to provide training courses that prepare workers for potential employment opportunities in Japan.

Uchibori expressed confidence in the future of strong bilateral cooperation between Japan and Vietnam, noting the r
ecent upgrade of relations between the two countries to a comprehensive strategic partnership in November 2023. He said the existing cooperative relationships between Can Tho and Japan’s Hyogo prefecture, Okayama and Nasushiobara cities have established a solid foundation for further collaboration, particularly in the financial and banking sectors.

He thanked the municipal authorities at all levels for their support during the delegation’s fact-finding trips to various locations. He also pledged to facilitate the dissemination of information to Japanese leaders and businesses interested in collaborating with Can Tho./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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