Dien Bien, Laos’ Luang Phrabang foster border management collaboration

A delegation from the Vietnam border guard force of the northern province of Dien Bien led by Colonel Phan Van Hoa, Commander of the provincial Border Guard High Command, held talks with a visiting Lao delegation from Luang Phrabang province led by Major General Tuxong Patchay, Director of the provincial Public Security Department on November 16.

On the foundation of their signed memorandum of understanding, the two sides agreed to continue to foster their coordination and implement regulations stated in the legal documents regarding land border and border gates that were signed by Vietnam and Laos.

They will work closely together in ensuing security, social order and safety in border areas, while managing and controlling the crossing of people, vehicles and goods through border gates, while creating favourable conditions for the travelling activities of people and goods between the two countries. They will coordinate in detecting and arresting criminals in the border, they pledged.

The two sides agreed t
o focus on coordination in raising awareness among people in border areas about hostile forces’ plots and operation methods of taking advantage of ethnic and religious issues so that they can enhance vigilance and avoid being enticed or involved in criminal activities.

They concurred to strengthen exchange and twinning activities among local units, and advise local authorities to establish twinning relations among villages and communes along the shared border.

The two sides noted that the political security, social order and safety in the northwestern mountainous region of Vietnam and the northern region of Laos in general, and Dien Bien and Luang Phrabang provinces in particular have been ensured. However, there are still many risks in the region due to complicated activities of many kinds of crimes, especially the illegal transporting and trafficking of drug, weapons and explosives, as well as illegal migration and entry-exit activities, affecting security and order in the border areas.

Since the beginni
ng of this year, the two sides have handed over to each other 25 citizens committing violations of border and residence regulations, while regularly exchanging information.

They have processed entry-exit procedures for 7,00 people and 646 vehicles.

They have supported each other in ensuring security for major events in each country, while joining hands in supporting needy Lao students and providing health care for Lao people./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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