Furious Trump supporters out for blood after conviction

ISTANBUL: If Donald Trump supporters are allowed to have their way, the US would be headed for some very dark and bloody days.

The ex-president’s conviction on 34 felony counts in a hush money case has sparked a torrent of violent threats from his hardcore base, most of them on Trump’s own Truth Social platform or other far-right forums like Patriots.Win and the Gateway Pundit.

‘Civil war. Nothing can stop what is coming,’ one user raged, mincing no words.

Others issued calls for people to stock up and take up arms.

‘Arm up. This s**t is going to get violent if SCOTUS takes it up. If you don’t have one, you need to get yourself a rifle and ammo.’

Another chimed in saying, ‘You will need them sooner than you think.’

One person linked the entire situation to gun regulations: ‘If this had happened in any other country but the US, there would be a dozen comments about ‘this is what you get for giving up your guns,’ whether factual or not.’

When it comes to Trump and his supporters, such words and threats c
arry more significance, given the events of the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol Hill riots.

Another supporter referred to what many have termed the ‘darkest day for US democracy’ with a blunt post: ‘You want an insurrection? This is how you get an insurrection.’

‘Fake trial with fake charges’

In the actual legal proceedings, Trump’s fanbase clearly followed the former president’s lead, rejecting not just the charges but the entire process.

Minutes after he was convicted, Trump spoke to reporters outside the New York courtroom, blasting the ‘rigged trial by a conflicted judge,’ calling it a ‘disgrace’ and something ‘done by the Biden administration.’

‘We didn’t do a thing wrong. I’m a very innocent man,’ he said, vowing to ‘fight till the end.’

This was the line of messaging repeated by his supporters, but some took a more extreme stance with messages like: ‘Hope every juror dies horribly.’

‘Conviction is more proof the government and justice system are completely broken and are beyond repair,’ said another user.

ne declared it the ‘day democracy died in America!’ as another dismissed it ‘a fake trial with fake charges, funded by Democrats and George Soros, overseen by a greedy corrupt D.A., and a greedy corrupt judge.’

‘We have become a country where communist/marxist judges, DA’s (sic), the DOJ and Democrats can persecute their political opponents with trumped up charges, turning misdemeanors into felonies to jail their opposition,’ another person wrote.

For one Trump supporter, his conviction is proof of ‘the erosion of our freedoms’ and that ‘America, as we know it, has fallen.’

‘My Country under siege. Oppressed by tyranny … Liberty is set aside. Patriots are despised. Let chaos reign!’ said another enraged fan.

Source: Philippines News Agency

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