
Many ODOP entrepreneurs suspend production due to Covid-19

Many entrepreneurs of “One District, One Product” (ODOP) have been hard affected by the Covid-19 outbreak as reduction in sales has forced some to suspend their production.

A research, conducted recently by the Institute of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, on incentive policy for ODOP entrepreneurs hit by Covid-19 suggests that one of the biggest challenges is that the use of online technology to sell products by ODOP entrepreneurs remains extremely limited, therefore, the promotion of the use and capacity building of ODOP entrepreneurs with respect to the use of online tools for marketing and sales purposes is necessary and needs to be supported by relevant parties.

The survey suggests that 53 per cent of the respondents pointed out that access to low-interest loans remains the biggest problem for ODOP operators, followed by access to markets (46%), ODOP popularisation (39%) and promotion of ODOP consumption (33%).

Once asked what kinds of assistance from the government are most needed in the aftermath of Covid-19, the majority of the respondents (33) said they need a better access to markets, training on production techniques and management (32%), promotion of ODOP consumption (30%), and financial assistance for production capacity improvement (26%).

The study also suggests that market, funding, and training on ICT skills as well as assistance from the government sectors are necessary for ensuring commercial production of ODOPs that meet demands of domestic and export markets thus making ODOPs a sustainable source of revenues of the country.

Source: Lao News Agency