National Assembly Chairman hosts members of US Congress

Vietnam always considers the US one of the top important partners, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue told a delegation of members of the US Congress led by Senator Jeff Merkley during a reception in Hanoi on April 8.

NA Chairman Hue stressed that Vietnam wishes to develop a stable and long-term strategic partnership with the US in a substantive, trustworthy and extensive manner in the spirit of setting aside the past and looking toward the future, and respecting independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political regime of each other.

He spoke highly of the US’s consistent message of supporting a strong, independent, and prosperous Vietnam.

The US Congress members hailed bilateral cooperation programmes and activities over the past years, especially in dealing with war aftermath, supporting people made disabled by war, and Agent Orange/dioxin remediation. They emphasised the importance of DNA analysis to support the search for the remains of US and Vietnamese soldiers missing in action, which is an important activity that will continue in the future.

They expressed wish to continue building a deeper and stronger relationship between the two peoples, and vowed to exert further efforts to upgrade bilateral ties in the coming time.

Speaking highly of Vietnam’s commitments at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP-26), the guests said the US wants to cooperate with Vietnam via specific actions, including in clean energy transition, adding that US firms want to access clean energy like solar and wind power and seek markets with high labour standards.

Both sides underlined the importance of building legal frameworks and suitable mechanisms to deliver on commitments at the COP-26.

The top Vietnamese legislator wished to further reinforce cooperation between the two legislatures in all areas and via all channels. He hoped both sides will set up a cooperation framework, consider building a mechanism for exchanges and official working sessions between their agencies, and strengthen ties among parliamentarians’ groups. He wished that the US Congress would soon set up the US-Vietnam Friendly Parliamentarians’ Group.

On regional and global issues of shared concern, including the East Sea issue, host and guest highlighted the need to maintain peace, stability, cooperation, ensuring freedom of navigation and overflight, refrain from using or threatening to use force in international relations, and abide by international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The US Congress members expressed their hope for the early signing of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) while reiterating the importance that the US attaches to the ASEAN and its support for ASEAN’s central role. They also pledged to continue promoting ASEAN-US relations in the future to address common issues such as climate change.

Regarding the IPEF, Hue said Vietnam is actively considering the pillars of cooperation within the IPEF, adding that Vietnam is ready to hold discussions with partners on the basis of international law, respect for countries’ independence, sovereignty and national security, equality, and mutual benefit.

The Vietnamese NA leader affirmed that Vietnam always respects and protects human rights and citizens’ rights in accordance with its Constitution and laws. The country also respects and fully follows international conventions on human rights that it has signed and joined, he added.

On the occasion, Chairman Hue extended an invitation to young members of the US Congress to attend the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians which will be hosted by the Vietnamese NA in September.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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