PNP C. Visayas on heightened alert for Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday

The Philippine National Police (PNP) in Central Visayas is on alert status to secure Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday to be celebrated on the same day on Feb. 14, the regional police spokesperson said Tuesday.

Lt. Col. Gerard Ace Pelare, spokesperson for the Police Regional Office-7, said they have not monitored any threat in the region that could disturb lovers who are celebrating Valentine’s Day and Roman Catholic faithful who will be joining the Ash Wednesday masses in different churches.

‘Of course, we expect there will be a convergence of people tomorrow (Wednesday). We expect that people will go to places where they can dine or roam around so we have prepared our appropriate security plan for this celebration,’ Pelare said during the Open Line forum here.

City directors have identified places needing heightened police presence, he said.

The police will also actively monitor motels, hotels, inns, pensions and lodging houses for patrons who will bring minors with them, he added.

Station commanders,
Pelare said, are also making adjustments in their security arrangements to secure churches in their areas of responsibility as churchgoers are expected to gather for a religious activity, which is the start of the Lenten season.

Meanwhile, Pelare warned Cebuanos against ‘love scams’, saying that most of the people who have been victims of this crime were lured to have virtual relationships.

He said older women are the most vulnerable to love scams via internet, while younger women are also victimized by older men.

‘When someone wants a relationship and starts asking money, don’t be deceived when they use (the word) ‘love’ in communicating to you. You must be wary already,’ he added.

Source: Philippines News Agency

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