Senate Approves ‘No Permit, No Exam Prohibition Act’

Manila – The Senate has ratified the “No Permit, No Exam Prohibition Act,” as finalized by the Bicameral Conference Committee. Senator Chiz Escudero, who led the call for ratification, confirmed that the reconciled version of the bill has gained support from key representatives of the education sector, including the Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations (COCOPEA). The bill, which merges Senate Bill 1359 and House of Representatives Bills 6483 and 7584, aims to abolish the longstanding “no permit, no exam” rule.

According to Philippines News Agency, Escudero, chair of the Committee on Higher, Technical and Vocational Education, emphasized the significance of the act, labeling it as one of the greatest legacies to be left behind in the education sector. He highlighted the detrimental impact of the “no permit, no exam” policy on students, often leading to lost opportunities and dreams. The measure prohibits policies that prevent students in public or private schools from taking examinations due to unpaid financial or property obligations, like tuition and other school fees. However, Escudero clarified that the legislation does not equate to tuition forgiveness but merely postpones the payment while allowing students to participate in examinations.

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