Vaccines Helping People Feel Safer During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ms. Bouathong Lattana, 72, is a resident of Parhao Tai village of Houaxay District, Bokeo Province.

When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in Bokeo, she was very worried, but at the same time she was also slightly hesitant about getting vaccinated since Ms. Bouathong has several underlying health conditions.

However, after seeking out advice from medical doctors and checking information from official sources, such as national media outlets, about COVID-19 vaccination, Ms. Bouathong eventually decided to get her first dose of COVID-19 vaccine a few weeks ago.

She said she did not experience any symptoms whatsoever after her first dose and eagerly looked forward to getting her second dose.

The day when she got her second dose, she came very early in the morning to the vaccination centre to queue up, meanwhile always remembering to maintain a distance of at least one metre from other people around her.

When she heard her name being called, she swiftly walked up to the registration desk and proceeded to clean her hands with the alcohol gel provided, after which the medical staff took her temperature and pulse and verified all her documents. When the medical staff said that everything was in order and she could get her vaccination now, Ms. Bouathong was visibly happy.

“I now feel safer and grateful to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Nevertheless, I will continue following the doctor’s advice on regularly cleaning my hands with alcohol gel, wearing a face mask whenever I go outside and practicing social distancing in public spaces,” said Ms. Bouathong.

“I believe vaccination is vital in protecting people from COVID-19. I would like to thank the Lao Government and partner countries who have donated vaccines to our country and would also like to thank UNICEF, WHO and other development partners for their support towards the Lao PDR’s COVID-19 response overall. I’ve heard about the COVAX Facility before and while I may not know much about what type of organization they are, I know that they are helping to provide vaccines to the Lao PDR,” Ms. Bouathong added.

Source: Lao News Agency

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