Vietnamese community in RoK holds futsal tournament?

Seoul: The second open futsal tournament of the Vietnamese community in Siheung city, Gyeonggi province of the Republic of Korea (RoK), was held on March 31.

The one-day tournament brought together 16 Vietnamese futsal teams across the RoK, which were divided into four groups. Kwangju FC team won the gold medal while Storm FC bagged silver and the bronze medal came to Dat to (homeland) FC.

Chairman of the Vietnamese association in Siheung Le Van Huy said that the sport event is held to welcome the anniversary of the establishment of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in an attempt to further promote solidarity and community bonds through physical training.

Nearly 300,000 Vietnamese are living and working in the RoK, of whom 70,000 have got married to Koreans.

Vietnam is the RoK’s third largest trade partner, with two-way trade hitting nearly 80 billion USD last year. The RoK ranks first among foreign investors in Vietnam, with 9,863 investment projects totaling around 90 billion USD and over 8,000 comp
anies operating in the Southeast Asian nation.

Last year, Vietnam also welcomed more than 3.5 million Korean holidaymakers, and there are currently 180,000 Koreans living in the country./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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