Ambassador highlights Vietnam-Malaysia comprehensive cooperation

Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian national news agency Bernama on January 15 published an interview with Vietnamese Ambassador to Malaysia Dinh Ngoc Linh, under the headline “Vietnam, Malaysia to forge stronger defence, security ties after golden anniversary’.

The article wrote that Vietnam and Malaysia are intensifying their collaboration in defence and security in fostering regional peace and stability – a commitment which emphasises the significance of the 50th anniversary celebrations observed in 2023.

Ambassador Linh underscored the importance of close cooperation between the two nations in today’s complex geopolitical dynamics.

He expressed confidence in the potential of further strengthening ties, especially after a recent diplomatic engagement in which both countries renewed the Memorandum of Understanding on Defence Cooperation that expired in 2018.

The diplomat noted that both countries are poised to strengthen their defence and security cooperation within the ASEAN framework. The commitment extends t
o promoting ASEAN-led mechanisms that play a central role in facilitating dialogues and cooperation among ASEAN member states and external partners.

In political area, Linh said both countries are committed to the effective implementation of the Plan of Action (POA) designed to execute the Strategic Partnership for the 2021-2025 period.

In the first half of 2024, one of the embassy’s priorities is to promote and organise high-level visits of Party and State leaders to Malaysia, he said, adding that the exchange of high-level delegations will be a driving force for strengthening strategic trust and deepening comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, toward the 10th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership in 2025.

In economic sphere, he said both nations are eyeing the halal industry as a promising avenue for cooperation. Vietnam is Malaysia’s 12th largest trade partner globally and the fourth biggest in ASEAN, after Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand. In 2022, total bilateral trade increased by 1
6.4% to 19.44 billion USD from 16.7 billion USD in 2021.

In terms of investment, Malaysia is Vietnam’s 10th largest investor after Singapore and Thailand.

Regarding maritime security, he said both nations must enhance collaboration to uphold peace, security, safety and navigation freedom in the East Sea.

‘It is crucial to fully comply with the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties and promptly finalise negotiations for the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC), aligning with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)’, he said.

About people-to-people exchange, the ambassador said their ties are poised to flourish further through continued cooperation in news exchange.

He hoped that established connections between the news agencies – Bernama and Vietnam News Agency – could be enhanced correlatively./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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