I have many things to say with regard to the current international situation, but as time is pressing for me, I will deal briefly with just one of them.

A key issue in the current international situation is that some socialist countries are experiencing difficulties in the revolutionary struggle and construction work because they have failed to solve the question of inheriting the leader’s revolutionary cause.

Defending, inheriting and developing the leader’s revolutionary cause has a major bearing on the destiny of the revolution. The leader of the working class blazes the trail for the revolution and leads it to victory by organizing and mobilizing the working class and other working masses. The leader holds an absolute position and plays the decisive role in the revolutionary struggle and construction work of the working class. Only under his wise guidance can the working class and other working masses be awakened and organized and achieve success in the revolutionary struggle and construction work.

Defending, inheriting and developing the leader’s revolutionary cause to the hilt is an urgent matter for the working class in carrying out their historic mission. The historic mission of the working class is to eliminate all manner of exploitation and oppression and build a socialist and communist society which represents the ideal of mankind.

As long as there remain anywhere on earth imperialists and reactionary forces that hinder the socialist cause, the working class should continue, for as long as it takes, to make the revolution so as to perform their historic mission. The elimination of exploitation and oppression and the accomplishment of the cause of socialism and communism cannot be done in a single generation.

Although over a century has passed since the working class embarked on the revolutionary struggle and half a century has elapsed since the first state of the working class appeared, the socialist revolution has been victorious only in some parts of the world. Therefore, the working class must wage a long, hard struggle down through the generations in order to achieve the victory of socialism and communism after eradicating imperialism from the earth once and for all and seizing power following victory in the revolution in every country.

In order for the working class to accomplish the historic cause of building socialism and communism down through the generations it must defend, inherit and develop the revolutionary cause of the leader who blazed the trail for the revolution. Only under the wise leadership of the leader can the working class break the chains of capital, achieve their class emancipation and accomplish the cause of socialism and communism successfully.

Some socialist countries, however, have failed to defend, inherit and develop the leader’s revolutionary cause in keeping with the change of the generations in conducting the revolution.

They are attempting to reject the leader’s leadership and emasculate or obliterate their ideology and achievements.

In the history of the international communist movement there have been many attempts to reject a leader’s leadership and emasculate and obliterate his ideology and achievements.

The reason why such attempts have been made is that the leader’s leadership system was not firmly established.

Some countries are rejecting their leaders’ leadership and emasculating and obliterating their ideology and achievements under the signboard of opposition to the “personality cult.” They are advocating so-called collective leadership instead of the leader’s leadership. The collective leadership advocated by the revisionists is, in essence, aimed at undermining the leader’s leadership system.

If the leader’s leadership system is not firmly established but becomes shaky, the inevitable result will be that the leadership of the working-class party is undermined and the revolution and construction subjected to twists and turns.

We should never forget this historical lesson learned by the international communist movement but firmly establish the leader’s leadership system in our country.

For the working-class party the leader’s leadership system is aimed at realizing his monolithic leadership of the revolution and construction. Only when the leader’s ideology and leadership hold undivided sway over the whole party and society can his leadership system be said to have been laid on a firm foundation. For our Party the monolithic leadership system is none other than the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung’s leadership system. His revolutionary idea, the Juche idea, should be the sole guiding ideology of our Party, and the thoughts and activities of officials and other Party members should always and wholly be geared to implementing his plans and leadership to the letter.

Only then will it be possible to establish firmly throughout the Party the Party’s ideological system and the leadership system of thoroughly realizing the leader’s ideology and leadership.

Until now we have emphasized establishing the Party’s ideological system among Party members and other working people; this is chiefly aimed at establishing the leader’s monolithic leadership system. Constant focus should be directed to establishing the Party’s ideological system so as to inherit and develop the leader’s revolutionary cause down through the generations.

For our Party, the Party’s ideological system means nothing other than the leader’s ideological system. In establishing the Party’s ideological system lies the fundamental guarantee for firmly establishing the leader’s leadership system and defending, inheriting and developing his revolutionary cause to the hilt.

We should more effectively conduct the work of establishing the Party’s ideological system among all Party members and other working people so as to encourage them to arm themselves with the leader’s revolutionary ideology and endeavour to defend and realize it. In addition, it is important for all sectors and all units to struggle against all unsound ideological trends that contravene the leader’s revolutionary ideology.

We should continue down through the generations the work of establishing the Party’s ideological system among Party members and other working people.

Only then will our coming generations strive to defend, inherit and develop the leader’s revolutionary cause to the end.

Source: Lao News Agency

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