The Lao PDR is drafting the 10th National Report as part the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in the Lao PDR.
Laos has receives the support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and its technical committee members from line ministries, including MoJ, MoFA, MoLSW, MoES, MoPS, MoH, MoAF, MoICT, MoHA, MPI(LSB), Bank of Laos, People’s Supreme Court, People’s Supreme Prosecution, LWU, National Lao Front, to draft the 10th National Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in the Lao PDR (10th CEDAW periodic report).
Consultations with government departments, civil society organizations and development partners are being held over the course of the year. The 10th CEDAW draft report will summarise the impacts and progress on women’s rights as well as the implementation of government legislation, plans and programmes that promote women’s rights and gender equality.
The draft report tracks progress of the Lao PDR to afford rights to women and girls, address discriminatory stereotypes and gender roles, combat gender-based violence and human trafficking, and promote women’s participation in political and public life, education, healthcare, employment, social and economic benifits, and family life of women and girls.
At the first technical drafting meeting Ms Mariam Khan, UNFPA Representative to the Lao PDR recognised the Government of Lao’s leadership to promote women’s rights as well as progress made in the years since the combined 8th and 9th report in 2018, despite the challenging COVID-19 context: “Huge strides in systems strengthening for GBV prevention and response have been made.
The National Plan of Action focuses on three core areas to address violence against women: prevention, response, and multisectoral coordination. UNFPA is also supporting NCAWMC and LWU to improve multisectoral response to GBV and establish GBV referral pathways to improve services”. “Since Lao PDR ratified CEDAW in 1981, the Lao government has been committed to the implementation of the convention by translating it into the Lao constitution, laws, policies and socio-economic development plans, as well as establishing national mechanisms such as: the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, Mothers and Children to monitor and report on the implementation of the convention, to ensure the promotion of gender equality, prevent all forms of discrimination against women and empower women in Lao PDR,” said Ms Chansoda Phonethip, Vice President of LWU and NCAWMC. The drafting process is also an occasion to engage all actors involved in promoting women’s rights by identifying what has progressed and what still needs collective efforts, financing, education, coordination, services etc. The draft report will be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to review and the Lao Government for endorsement, before being submitted to the United Nations.
Source: Lao News Agency